Standing Rules

The Standing Rules of the Idaho Juvenile Justice Association (IJJA) shall include, but not be limited to, the issues herein described.

The Standing Rules exist to provide the Board of Directors and the membership of the Idaho Juvenile Justice Association direction in carrying out the day to day activities of the Association.

The Standing Rules may be amended as necessary to carry out the day-to-day activities of IJJA upon approval by the majority of the IJJA Board of Directors provided the amendment shall be voted upon by the membership at the next General Membership Meeting of IJJA. These rules shall be reviewed yearly by the Executive Board to recommend amendments as necessary.


PURPOSE – To carry out the business and purposes of the Idaho Juvenile Justice Association, there shall be committees, as set out in this section.

CHAIR – The Chair of each committee shall be an officer of IJJA, to provide coordination and communication to the Executive Board. The Chair of any committee may designate a co-chair from among the membership of the committee. The Chair shall attend all committee meetings, attempt to fulfill all areas of committee responsibility, and make recommendations for vacancies.

MEMBERS – Members of committees shall be comprised of officers of IJJA and members in good standing, appointed by the Executive Board or by volunteer, upon recommendation by the committee chair, from among those members expressing a willingness to serve. Members shall be identified and presented to the Executive Board for approval no later than the first Executive Board meeting after their appointments.

Each committee shall have a minimum of one member in addition to the Chair, with the majority of the members being Directors of IJJA (By-Laws, Article 111, Section 7). Committees may include ex-officio members who are not members of IJJA, if it meets the purpose of the committee’s work. Ex-officio members may not compose a majority of the committee membership when voting on committee business.

The members described for each committee are recommended minimums, and each committee may have more members than designated. The committees shall strive for agency, geographic and gender diversity among the members whenever possible.

MEETINGS – Committee members as well as IJJA members at large shall be welcome at all committee meetings. The committees may meet at any other time designated by the chair, as necessary to carry out the duties of the committee.

EXPENDITURES – Committees will make no expenditures without the prior approval of the Executive Board, unless a budget has been previously approved for specific expenditures by the Board of Directors.

AD HOC COMMITTEES – IJJA Ad Hoc Committees shall be appointed by the President, with the advice and consent of the Executive Board, to carry out and accomplish the business of the organization. These committees shall have a stated purpose, be established only for the period of time required to accomplish the purpose, and have an identified chair.

Chair: President
Members: President, President Elect, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Past President, and Lead Representative

The IJJA Executive Board shall oversee the operation of the Idaho Juvenile Justice Association. The Executive Board shall meet two times per year in addition to the annual conference, or as often as deemed necessary to carry out the business of IJJA. The Secretary shall keep and maintain notes of Executive Board Minutes. Representatives may distribute Executive Board Minutes to the general membership in their District or area of assignment for comment and response.

Chair: President
Members: President, President Elect, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Past President, Lead Representative, District and Tribal Representatives, and Floating Representatives

The IJJA Board of Directors shall meet once every two months, or as often as deemed necessary to carry out the business of IJJA, recommend future goals for IJJA, to vote on recommendations from committees, and to perform other business as necessary. The Secretary shall distribute Board of Directors Minutes to the entire Board of Directors. Representatives shall distribute Board of Directors Minutes to the general membership in the District or their area of assignment for comment and response, within one month of their receipt of said minutes.

Chair: Past President
Vice-Chair: President

The IJJA Awards Committee shall organize nominations and selection of annual awards to be given by IJJA and an Awards Program to be conducted at the annual meeting of IJJA.

The awards of IJJA shall be comprised of:

John Shuler Award: One (1) recipient. Anyone in Idaho shall be eligible to receive the John Shuler Award. Recipients need not be a member of IJJA. Selection of award recipient shall be voted on by the Board of Directors.

Commitment to Service Award: One (1) recipient per district and one (1) tribal district recipient. Any member of IJJA shall be eligible to make nominations for awards. Only members of IJJA only shall be eligible to receive the regional awards. Selection of award recipients shall be voted on by the Board of Directors.

The Executive Board has the discretion to give Special Recognition Awards, when deemed appropriate, by the Executive Board or the Board of Directors. Other special awards may include IJJA District Representative of the Year.

Chair: President
Vice-Chair: Past President

The IJJA Conference Committee shall plan arrangements, site selection, and programs for the annual conference of IJJA. The purpose of the conference shall be to further the objectives of IJJA as defined in the Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws.

The committee shall be comprised of those members who are interested in working to carry out the annual conference of IJJA, some of whom have an interest in holding the position of Vice President in the future. The Nomination Committee should give first consideration to members of the

Conference Committee for nomination to the office of Vice President, in order to provide continuity from year to year for conference planning.
Site selection will generally rotate as follows: Northern Idaho, Southwest Idaho, Eastern Idaho, but can be altered to accommodate special circumstances.

Chair: Treasurer/Secretary

The IJJA Membership Committee shall maintain a current list of members, formulate a plan to recruit new members, oversee the annual membership drive, recommend the amount of dues for membership, and assume other duties as necessary to maintain membership.

The IJJA Membership Committee shall evaluate alleged violations of ethics or such conduct that is detrimental to the best interests of IJJA and/or professions herein represented, and recommend the termination or suspension of such members as may be deemed advisable, and the reinstatement of previous members in accordance with the By-Laws.

Chair: Past President
The IJJA Nomination Committee shall review the roles of the officers and solicit suggestions from Representatives and general membership for a slate of officers. The committee shall consider potential nominees with respect to expectations and roles, while striving for gender, geographic and agency diversity the Nomination Committee will present a slate of nominees meeting the above criteria.

The Nomination Committee shall present a recommended slate of nominees to the Executive Board two months prior to the General Membership Meeting, if possible. The slate should include at least one nominee for each office, except President as President Elect would automatically assume that position without a vote from the general membership. The ballot shall also allow space for write-in votes.

The vote shall be accomplished through a ballot at the annual IJJA conference prior to the general membership meeting, to allow the new Board of Directors to prepare committee assignments and plan for the upcoming year.

Officers are primarily elected for a one year term. However, the President Elect position will serve three consecutive terms as follows: President Elect, President, Past President. All other officers may serve a second consecutive term if nominated by an elected member of the Executive Board, endorsed by a majority of the Board of Directors, and ratified by a vote of the general membership.

If the ballot contains two names for a position, a simple majority of those voting will decide. If the ballot contains more than two names, the candidate receiving the most votes will be elected to the position. If the ballot contains one name for a position, a yes-no option must be given to the general membership. A majority yes vote will ratify the selection; a majority no vote will require the Nomination Committee to select at least two new candidates to be voted upon by the membership.

Updates approved by the General Membership at the Business Luncheon on September 20, 2016.